Welcome to Legion Servers Gaming Community

Originated back in 2017, hosting a variety of game servers across Unturned, Rust, FiveM and Gmod. Now relaunching with brand new servers, new ideas and a passion to grow!


Below are listed our current game servers.

Server Name Connection Info Game Players Map Location Supervisor
[AU] LEGIONSERVERS #1 [PVP] [ESCALATION] : 27017 0/32EscalationOrg
[AU] LEGIONSERVERS #2 [PVP] [CONQUEST] : 27017 0/50Russia ConquestOrg
[US] LEGIONSERVERS #3 [PVP] [GERMANY] : 27017 0/24GermanyOrg
[SG]LegionServers | PvE #1 |Vault|Garage|Pets15.235.216.58 : 27017 0/32BuakOrg
LegionServers SMP Adventures103.152.197.174 : 25663 0/1001.20.4Meedic
We are looking for Server Supervisors, Contact us via Discord. If you have a new server idea or want to take over one of our planned servers Let us know!

Donate Now!

If you feel that we have done a great job and you enjoy playing on our servers, you can support us by purchasing ranks in our store. This helps support the upkeep of our servers and improve the quality of our plugins and mods!


Announcements, Events, News, Guides, Giveaways & More will be posted on our Discord Servers!